
Homemade Skin on Chips

Roasted potato chips



Prep time

15 minutes

Cook time

20 minutes

Chips can be a great treat and you can make them at home as a change from the chip shop.


700g potatoes cut into chips, approx 1cm in thickness
3 tbsps

rapeseed of vegetable oil 

1l boiling water 
salt and pepper, to taste


1.Preheat an oven to 200°C/180°C fan/ gas mark 6.

2.Place a large pan over a medium heat, fill with hot water and bring to the boil.

3. Once the water is bubbling, add the potatoes. Bring back to the boil and cook for 5 minutes once bubbling again. 

4. Strain the potatoes, once dry arrange on a baking tray. Cover the potatoes evenly in oil and generously season.

5. Cook in the oven for 15 minuets, turning half way through, remove once crispy on the outside and soft in the middle, then serve. 

Chef’s tips

Try adding a little bit of chilli or paprika for a different flavour!


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